blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: Fiesta, forebber!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fiesta, forebber!

The yoomans are leabeen'.

New yoomans are cormeen'.

I yam ready por them.

All nigh' larng...


  1. Be the charming fellow for them, Storbie!

  2. Lookin' good, buddy! Don't keep them up too late.

  3. I theen' thees new redhead looghe ees a goo' worn y cornduseeb to fiesta. Ju go Don E!

  4. You are going to have such a good time. Make sure you include them in your caddle drive because I'm sure they don't want to miss out on that fun.

  5. I wish I could come for a visit and scratch your head but my cats would have no human then...

  6. I'm good for bail money if you need it ...

  7. We're going to Party, Karamu, Fiesta, forever
    Come on and meow along!
    We're going to Party, Karamu, Fiesta, forever
    Come on and meow along!


  8. Dear Storbie, thank you so much for your lovely card and the envelope sealed with a pawprint which gladdened my heart this morning when it arrived in Scotland all the way from you on your roop. And it's wonderful to see you looking so good. I hope you will have a fine fiesta with the new yoomans - love, ENM/Arthur xxx

  9. Such wonderful news. I take it to mean you're well enough for your yoomans to leave you in the care of others. Woo-hoo!! And I'd like to say how utterly fabulous you look in that natural light, the way it brings out the reddish undertones in your coat. And that sultry stare? You are *so* back in the game, dude.

  10. Storbie, I hope you won't neglect your blog while the yoomans are brighten my day...Thank you for the card sealed with your paw print...Have fun on your roof top and be on your best behavior...
