I say to the Wooman:
She say: Cad?
I say: When are we goeen' home?
She say: We are home, Storbie.
I say: No, we are nard.
She say: I know. Bod we mos 'stay here.
I say: Porquewhy? I meess the roop.
She say: I know, keedy, I meess eed too.
She say: Een the spreeng, eed weell be bedhair.
I say: Porquewhy?
She say: We weell seed ou'side more, y we weell fine' you a nice new borch larg to maghe scratcha.
I say: Oh.
I say: Are you sad?
She say: Yes.
I say: Me too.
Pee ess, I say: Theese ole chair you bough' ees forgheen' sleepery. Whad ees the beeg deal? I wan' a cashmere couch!
She say: We all wan' a cashmere couch Estorbo, now seed down y shorddop.
I say: I yam tryeen' to seed, bod I keep sleepeen' bagwar's.
She say: Then ged a greep.
I say:
You ged a forgheen' greep. Eef I ged a greep I weell maghe-a scratcha arn thees ole' forgheen chair y you weell shoud ad me. Again.
She say: Estorbo, you are high maintenance.
I say: Taghes worn to know worn.
She say: *&%%$* cad.
I say: &(^$&* Wooman.
...(to be carnteenued)