Escuse me, I have, egh-egh, bord flu. Egh, tweet.
Forgheen’ bord flu. Whad cad geds bord flu? You ebber seen a bord weeth cad flu? Tweet, miaow??? Heh? Heh? I deedn't theenk so.
Then again, German cads, you know sauerkraut...maybe their immune system nard so good. Oh, you doan’ know whad I'm talkeen’ aboud?...Read the paper, hokay? Hokay. Ees conspeeracy theory to make-a cads starp chaseen’ bords.
Jesus ees a bord (ees larng story). Man, an’ people chase heem, bod they doan’ caaaaaaatch heeeeeeem....Eed ees cold here. I mean forgheen freezeen’, man. Eef I go oud, my forr make-a like a freedge, my feed steeck to the roof. Do I ged any warm meelk to onfreeze me? No. I ged one, count weeth me, ONE shartglasspelleds and a lard ob water. Cold. Water.
Sheet, I yam so hongree. A leedle feesh soup, you would theenk, would nard be too moch trarble. A leedle cheese souffle, maybe, whad ees lighd an’ nutreetious. Bod no: pelleds. Sí, I mean, doan’ ged me wrong or nada, bod, you know....eed’s WEENTER, nard spreeng, WEENTER...comfort food, anybardy, hello?
Maybe I gard bord flu. Then I ged famous. Domeeneecan cad geds H5N1..2 3 4 5 6...heh heheh hehehhhh. Egh.
I tell you, I yam rambleen’, weak weeth honger. I see sparts. A mirage. No. no, eed’s...melted cheese! Before I faind send me news. Any, news.
Don Es, wasedeen’ away.....
Pee, ess: forgheen' spellcheck