Ees arribed por me ad the Wooman's worghe thees weegh, a beeg barx. Full ob peenk peanorts.
Address'...TO ME!
Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana-heear-me-roar:

Frarm....Neko y Marzi een Arizona, the besd CATtorneys a cad coul as' por: when las' deed
your loyjer sen' to you a geeft???
Below: Despide my oudfeed, I stan' tall an' proud! Neko y Marzi
lighe me!!!

Especial por the occasion the Wooman taghe my preeson suid arf. Gracias a Dios.
Cheeps! Salsa to las' por a lifetime! Candy! Parpcorn! Norts! Pardeeeeeeee!

Bod then I star' to leeck an' the Wooman pood the suid bag arn.
I essplore the basket. Eed smells deeleecious. I
lorf weeckhair baskeds. How deed they know?

bide eed. Que rico!!!

The Wooman meexes sorm Margaritas. Eed's time to ead...

The blue cheeps are my faboureed: cronchy, yos como pelleds.

Gracias Neko y Marzipan y your clerk, Neil. You are bes' legal help een the Wes'!