Escuse me, I need a bath. Thees ees where I seet when the wooman maghes the Hoobereen'. I hade eed. Eed ees a marnster weeth a lighd ad the fron' an' a noise lighe the Cad ob Death, weeth growleen' an' screameen' an' sorkeen' ad the kilim. She say eed ees for remobeen' dos', bod I say eed ees for cadgeen' blagh cads an' eempreesoneen' them een the bagh eenside.
So you lighe my blarg's noo loogh? I am a blagh cad. Nard a green cad.
Black on black. Awesome new look!
ReplyDelete"I see this blog and I want it painted black... La-la-la..." ;-)
Yesss. We love it.
Gracias my brorders....prrrrrr.
ReplyDeleteMmm - very chic or should that be chick (ie smart with feathers)?
ReplyDeleteClarence is now better - at last - no more sneezing and plenty of eating going on again. I blame it on the chocolate labrador we had staying all summer. I mean, two labs are bad enough - although our two are really OK, they give up their beds for us, whenever we command. But three? As soon as she (the choclab) went back home, my brother stopped sneezing.
So now its just like old times: my brother 'n' me, the old dog, the young dog and M. It's winter and the woodburner is going, which we just love as long as we get to pole position on the rug before the dogs . . .
Hasta la vista.