blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: Geddeen' fad

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Geddeen' fad

The Smoothman eenstall the tweenkly lighds. Orderwise ees too forgheen' dark.

My tormmy is now so fad eed ees hard por me to make yompa. Yesserday I fell arf the whide bed. So embarrasseen'.

Bod I manage arn the badtasde70'sdaybed. So now I yab mas eensuleen so I yam nard so "boracious" as the Wooman say I yam. "Eensatiable" was the order wor' she use een email to Dr Slade. Who ees she tryeen' to eempress? I yam yos HONGRY. When a cad ees hongry, he ees hongry.

Ordhair news, I yab tres fabourite flabors ob food, all Weruba: Pekeen' Dork, Steagh Frites, y Fowl Ball. Righ' now Wile' Salmon ees kaka. Doan' show me northeen' weeth peas. Steell I yam lorbeen' the raw cheecken leeber, y the Wooman ees buildeen' me a bang vaul' een the freezehair paghed weeth many pieces, wrap' eendebeedual.

Ebery time she gebe me the kakapotassium (three time por day, Dios mio) she wash my faze weeth the warm washclarth. Ees pleasan', como bein' ad the spa.

So I yam OK.



  1. First of all... I love the rug!

    First National Bank of Estorbo. You should have a plaque made. Keep eating!

  2. OK.! High five, too, hermano.(But The Secretary tells us no more high fives until she's trimmed our claws.)

  3. Are you reeely OK? So glad, Estorbo. You must doo as you're told. The Woman and the Smoothman want your best. Best weeshes.

  4. Such good news...that you are getting fat! I love the twinkly lights. Besitos to all.

  5. I lorb the tweenkly lighds. I lorb Pekeen' Dork. I lorb you.

  6. Gread news :) Eef ju ged fad I theen' ees OK weeth ebryworn, yos so ju feel bedhair! Leedle headbornk frarm me to ju. Pee Ess: the tweenkly lighds son mas bastante, hermosa luz. I need thees orlso y mos' eenbesteegade. Be well amigo

  7. Such a beautiful room. I could relax there, under the tweenkly lighds quite nicely. I am glad you are doing OK. Sometimes that is as good as it gets. I lorb you too Don Estorbo.

  8. The twinkly lights look good and it is great that you are eating well and getting the post-pill spa treatment. Keep on eating and get better!

  9. Hey Estorbo, Glad you are better but as one who also uses insulin, it makes you fat and that is just what you don't want to be now, so watch yourself!

    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  10. That's very good news that Estorbo is doing so well. I'm sorry to be a pain yet again, but I see lilies in the photo of your lovely room and have to tell you that the pollen from lilies is poisonous to cats. It's possible to remove the ends of the stamens with the pollen and then the lilies are safe. I expect Estorbo cannot make yompa onto the lily table anyway, but just in case.

  11. I've got it wrong, it's all parts and all lilies according to this -

    Perhaps it's because they are the same family as onions and I know they are bad for cats.

    1. Thanks, Arthur - yours is a regular concern. All parts of lily are toxic, yes (except the bulb), but fortunately Estorbo has never shown any interest in them, over their ten years of co-existence...

      Not the same as onions, incidentally (onions/Alliums are Amaryllidacea and lilies/Lilium, Liliaceae).

  12. I'm so glad Estorbo has no truck with the lilies. And I obviously don't know my onions . . .

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. He confounds expectations in some ways. Won't chew on random plants, but will follow me around the terrace in case I pull out some grass, won't it in boxes, refuses to make funny cat videos, lays claim to every feline disease going, no matter how obscure...

  13. hi Storbie, good news if you're better. Sounds good. Not fat, only more surface to do cosquillas tikling tikling on your billy.
