blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: These place looghs como ordure

Saturday, June 27, 2009

These place looghs como ordure

...ees word my frien' Ambrosius, may he RIPee, taughd me. LOOGH whad the Wooman ees doeen' to my terrace.

She ees a peeg!

I yam geddeen' oud ob here. I mos' go an wrangle my caddle. They are free range arn the roop.

You deedn' know I had caddle? Well, I do. I hord them ad nighd. They are narghtornal caddle. I mos proteghd them frarm rostlairs. You shoul' see me orp there. I walkh larng an' theen como Cleent Eastwoo'. I shood frarm the heep. Thees ees deefeeculd eef you are a cad.
Bandido? I hab pud a bountee arn your scaryass head.


  1. 'Storbie, you're the only farmer I know who herds six-legged bugs - I mean cattle. So do you live on a cockranch? ;-)

  2. Esscuuuuuuuuuse me?

    I esspeghd you wan' to see my mammatus, too?

    Hey. I yam an orban farmhair. I probide locally, humanely raised libestarck to my costomairs!

  3. So...selling lily bulbs to dargs, huh?

    And, Marie, that's a shot to be proud of. The leaping cat and you in the mirror, that is.Beence better watch his back!

  4. Wait a minute, what customers? You farm for yourself, as far as I can tell. And once in a while you bring cattle back to the ranch for slaughter and the woman uses the most humane dictionary squash she can muster...

  5. So, hermano, you've gone into the cockroach ... I mean caddle ... business? Genius! You could probably even sell a few head to the bandido, you know.

  6. Shood frarm the heep? What heep? Those ample ones of yours? Impressive.

  7. Estorbo, I just have this hilarious picture of you in my head, wearing your belt a little low because of a lack of hips, guns dragging on the floor as you pull your way across the saloon... Sorry. :-)

  8. Estorbo, Regarding shooting from the hip: I think you recall our firearm photos... Do you require shooting lessons? Neko does pistol shooting lessons, while Marzi does the shotgun/clay pigeon instruction...

  9. MIT - bolbs...dargs? The bolbs are edeeble. Why woul' I geeb sormtheen' edeeble to a darg?

    Beence? I. hab. costomairs.

    Ikaika - the caddle are mine. All mine. Doan' fence me een.

    Rachel. Pleease. Sorm respeghd. Whad are you sayeen...essaghdlee?

    Beence - Gons draggeen' arn the floor? Remember I yam awaghe when you are asleep. Eef you are nard careful sormtheen' else weell be draggeen' arn the floor een the morneen'.

    Neko y Marzi - although the Wooman hades han'gons she can shood the head arf a daisy ad a honner' paces weeth rifle, so she taughd me goo'.

    WAID! Whad am I sayeen'?? Yes! yes! I need lessons. Please corm an' eenstrorct me! Hole' my shakeen' paw steady...^^

  10. Hermano, the lilies are only OK for the Wooman's people.Not for dargs and cats.

  11. Dina Miaow...yay! OK, I harbest por dargs ad wornce!

  12. OK. I've puzzled over it long enough. Please translate "como ordure". I know 'como' but not 'ordure' and a dictionary isn't any good.

  13. Chrees - deectionary ees good. I used word especial por you! So I cannard tell you whad eed ees. Loogh orp defeneetion een Google. Spelleen' ees correghd.

  14. Well, you live and learn -- and I'm supposed to be an English Lit major! But thanks for being so sensitive to my sensibilities! I worked with students who were gang members but of course they used their version of the word.I want you to know, Estorbo, that I am touched that you should consider me. If I had any sardines I would send them to you. Tell the woooman you deserve extra helping of dinner tonight.
