blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: My pardy

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My pardy

Ees my borthday.  I gard geef's.  Treads. Fancy food weeth candle (born my forgheen' wheeskairs).  Cad scratch mad weeth cadneep (maghe me ANGREE!). Ribe peaches frarm Nuevo Jorsey. Spreengbok rogby shor'. Reebons.

I yab no forghen' idea how ole' I yam. Feefteen. They say.


  1. Feefteen? It's just a number, my friend.Happy and healthy is what matters.And you are loo-keen goood!

  2. Querido Estorbo, jour Espanol geets mas theeck weeth ebery ano (I do nard know how to type the leedle en yay theeng). Once I figured out what born wheeskairs were, I got worried! I theenk you deed thad una ves mas. Ten cuidado! Mucha la gente love thees beeg cad and weesh heem many more anos de buena salud, pelleds, streeng and whadebber hees leedle black corazon desires.

  3. Leedle blague corazon een a rogby short <3 Jajajajajajaja.Happy Borthday!

  4. Ay yi yi! I thought you were eight. You definitely look younger than your age. Had my human of known, she would have sent you a package or two Party Mix cat treats.. They are the bomb!
    Happy birthday Storby.

  5. Happy Birthday, beautiful boy!

  6. You shore lookin' swell, rogby short-wearin' cad!

  7. Oh my dear Estorbo..."Feliz Cumpleaños!" y mucho mas a usted!

  8. Happy Birthday, handsome man!

  9. What Kath said "happy birthday beautiful boy !!!" you have improved my life near daily, made me smile, made me laugh, made me choke & spit my coffee out all over my keyboard & I truly do lorb you as if you were my own cad - wishes you many, many more xoxo Susan

  10. Ditto everyone. Sorry to have missed your fiesta!

  11. Birthday kisses Estorbo. May you enjoy many many more!

  12. Hi Handsome Storbito, happy birthday to yooooooouuuuuu, happy birthday Storbie, cumpleaños feliiiiiiiiiiz ;-)

  13. What a swell birthday you had, Don Estorbo! I say happy birthday to you and forget the flippin' numbers. Just let the gifs roll in and try to have one of your girl friends there next time,,,,,

    Cheers, Jo, Stella and Zkhat
