blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: Doan' mess weeth a cad

Monday, May 23, 2011

Doan' mess weeth a cad

My rebenge por bein' larcked oud een the rain. I ead the Hapanese fores' grass, nomnom then I corm bag eenside, seet down, make-a hoooowl, go hoophoophoop kghaaaaaa! an' throw eed orp arn the floor. Dribes the yoomans crazy.


  1. hoophoophoop kghaaaaaa!

    Yup, that is the sound.

    Well done, Estorbo.

  2. Bravo, Estorbo. Did I see that Martha Stewart is coming to see you? you have plans for her visit?

  3. you made our mom shoot coffees outta her nose holes wif this post. you gets an official "WAY TO GO, DON!!!" frum us meowers;-)

    we're gonna tune in again soon to check for more edgy interior design hints like this one. *snort*

  4. You must throw up at speed, Estorbo! When Lottie wants to do that, she makes the hoooowl, and I have time to move her off the carpet, onto tiles, floorboards or vinyl flooring, and even sometimes get some kitchen towel underneath her in time for the kghaaaaa bit. All while she's still busy with the hoophoophoop.....

  5. it's also what happens when my little men sneak peeples foods - and then eat all their own

    lovely descriptive there


  6. Ata boy Storbeeee - just what the doctor ordered

  7. Hermano, you know how to exact rebenge! Are you planning some hoophoop for when the Martha Stewart people visit? Now that would be sweet!
