Hello? Whad am I suppose' to do weeth thees?

I yam embaress'. The guy ees nard eben dressed.

So the Wooman cook heem por me afthair geebeen' me two pieces sashimi (berberygoo')...

An' then the trorbell started.

Thees feesh ees arn fire.

You are borneen' my feesh.


Serioosly. Now eed's magheen' smoghe. Ees thees a yoke? I HADE smoghe! You hab to born the house down arn my borthday???

Ok...ees loogheen' bedhair.

Tasdes preedy goo'...

Coul' I hab sorm cheecken leebhair pate por desser'?
Happy Birthday Estorbe!! Your birthday fish looks good - hope you got the pate for dessert:)
ReplyDeleteThat's a fine lookin' fish cake! I see you had a good birthday dinner, and I'm guessing the Wooman and Beence sang in your honor ... way to go! And the human says thanks for the birthday wishes.
ReplyDeleteYour wooman is SO creative, Estorbo. What cat, anywhere, ever had a fried fish with candles on for his birthday? You are one spoiled cat! Happy birthday! Bailey is one year and a couple of months behind you. And I'm telling you he won't be getting a fried fish with candles on it.
ReplyDeleteHappy borthday Don E. I am very impressed by your feesh. I send you many feline greetings from the town where I now live. Not as big as NYC but very, very big for a country boy like me . . .
ReplyDeleteMMMMMMM, estorbo, broder, FEEESH!! We got parmigiana and cream from our mama/wooman - mmmmmm. We love and mees you XXX
ReplyDeletehappy birthday, Estorbo! what a wonderful birthday feesh that is, flambeed and everything!
ReplyDeletemost excellent celebration!
ReplyDeletemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fyer scares me mmmm mmmmmmmm mm mmm mmmm
happy happy happy
many many many
a pome fer yer birthday my brother.
You are too much. The bunch of you. A fish cake!
ReplyDeleteDon Estorbo, for the record, I've never seen a cat look so unimpressed by a fish. You must be the reincarnation of a Buddhist monk. But it was fun, and your b-day present made a very nice pâté!
ReplyDeleteThe fish--those teeth--did they serve you a Piranha?
ReplyDeleteHola! Stupid Dinah forgot (how could she forget this???)to pass our birthday greetings to you.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, my friend! I hope it was a good one.
Big forr - i hav nevver hed mi own fish with candels -u r a verry lukky cet. Greetings from small forr
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Estorbo!very nice fish, I must say!
Well I hope your purrday was awesome all day... it certainly looks wonderful!