Eed's been so larng seence the Wooman led me seed ad the carmpudehair thad I cannard remembhair whad peecures I hab post-ted.
Thees was nize weegh arn the terrace. Fors' ob all, the Wooman was nard there. She was worgheen'. A.O.K.
Secon' ob all, the weathhair was fantasteec. YOU try to keep cool weareen' a forr coad een Nueba York en Augus'...
I caught four cicadas an' ate them orp croncha croncha croncha. Que rico. Delicioso. The green worns are the bes'. Beence gard so orpset. Ged a libe, I tole' heem. Forgh you, he tole' me.

Then the Wooman try to born the house down AGAIN. Whad ees wrarng weeth hor??? I maghe so moch stress when thees happens. Smoghe! Fire ! I try to warn them to escape, to ron, to call firetrorck. Bod they yos laugh. Ees how they preephair food.

I heed eenside a theen' call' a meenk.
Eed was strange. Fameelleear, bod crazee. Sad. Cozy.

The gringo put me arn his lap, so I feld bedhair for a while. Thees was afthair the Wooman declare War arn me. She say harsteeleetees woul' start the meenute I said Eep at 4.30am. An' they deed.

She said she woul' whoop my ass. She chaze me roun' an roun'. She say BADCAD! an', SLEEP!!!!

So I taghe the chair harstage. Eeff you whoop me, I make scratcha.
Bad cad! she say.

Bide me, I say.

To cheell oud I seed arn the roop today an loogh ad the streed. I talgh to my drorgs.

I sneeff them.

The Wooman tells me hor Mama ees cormeen' to beeeseet neghs' mornth. She tells me maybe I weel beeseet hor een Manhattan an' stay weeth hor. I say maybe I weell. I bed your Mama has a brain between hor ears an' nice sarfdboice, nard BADCAD!
She weell say, Nice cad, sarftboice.
She weell geeb me pelleds ad 4am.