Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Muy caliente

The Objeghd

She say, Thees ees deenner, Estorbo.
Reeally? I say. Cound me oud. I ain' no goad. Whad ees eed anyway?
Artechoghe, she say.
He deed, when? Thad ees terreeble! You deed hine'leeck manoubhair?
Eediot, she say. Eed's a vegetable.
Oh, I say.

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Always stribeen'
Are goeen' to ead thad? Are you? Can I? pleease, pleease, feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed me!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Whad happen' to me?

Arn Mornday morneen' she saw me leeckeen' my righd arm, and she foun' essactly the same sore place between the wreest an' the elbow.
Two woun's, ditto, ditto.
She put arn deeseenfeghdand.
I'm telleen, you: sormbardy try' to nail me orp.

The horror, the horror...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My weegh

Porque, I as', sorprised. Eed tasdes como fresh feesh?
Eediot, she said.
Then worn day she came home weeth new grass, een two deeshes.
She put eed arn floor, and eentroduce me.
Cad? Grass. Grass? Cad.
Whad's your poin'? I asked.
Just ead eed, Estorbo she say, eempatient.
What. Ebber, I say.
Eed doan' loogh righd, I say.
Een faghd, Thar's bars een them thar heells, I say.
Eediot, she say.
Fas' forward. I'm lyeen' arn the bed. She looghs ad my claws.
Too larng, she say: time to cleap!
Oy, I say.
Are there no rules agains' theese? Eed's Easthair!
Bod she cleep' them anyway. Ees quide relaghseen', como Spa.
An Sornday they dress me orp weeth reebbon. Ees OK, I yam een torch with the parts I no longhair possess.
Are you loogheen' ad me? Are you loogheen' ad me. Are you loogheen' ad me???
Eed was esshausteen'. Pulleen and chaseen' reebon all day.
Pee Ess. Deed the Wooman tell you sormbardy try to crucify me thees weeken'?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Greener Pastures
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I need grass!

In the meantime I chew the new leabes ob hor Japanese grass. She geds mad. She say, You maghe thees grass ogly por lader, Estorbo! So buy me cadgrass, I soyyest, polideboice.
Fine. I weell go to farmairs' marghet tomorrow, she say.
Fine, I say. Go!
Here below ees me an' the Japanese grass las' sommer. See below my chair ees my lawn!

Attagh Cad!
Muchas gracias to Neko Y Marzipan, my CATtorneys por thees bideo...I theenk they are tryeen' to sen' me a messayge?
Monday, April 6, 2009
I was two, I mean twelb?
My blarg had a borthday.
The Wooman deed nard remine' me. My blarg ees older than the Wooman's blarg: she stole the idea frarm me.
Eed was Two arn the 12th ob March.
Here was my fors' pose'...
The Wooman deed nard remine' me. My blarg ees older than the Wooman's blarg: she stole the idea frarm me.
Eed was Two arn the 12th ob March.
Here was my fors' pose'...
The bandido
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The phonecall

egh (hairball) ...
An' he say, You are the Wooman ob my dreams an' so wonnerful an BLA.B.L.A.B.L.A.
My Gard.
Escuse me, Hermano? I say, polidecuriousboice, eenteropteen' thees larng deestance lorf fest, bod:
Am I how you imagined me????
...silence frarm Canada.
Estorbo? he say...
Si! I reply, ears ready por the answer.
Um...are you how I imagined you? carnfusedyoomanboice.
Si, exacto! I say. Well, am I?????
Um....I deedn't eemageen you, Estorbo.
Si..? I say, bersmallboice.
Estorbo, whad do you mean?
I mean, Am I the CAD OB YOUR DREAMS?????
WELL??? desperadeboice...
A leedle fadder, a leedle blagger, a leedle more hairy, maybe? Whad? Whad? Whad??? - tellmeIcantagheead!
You wor nard theenkeen' abou' me. You wor nard anteeceepateen' par' ownersheep een a cad como yo. You had no esspetations, no desire, no dreamcad.
I do. nard. madhair.
ESTORBO! Snapoudobeed!
Oh. Reeally? I yam makeen' drama? Well, escyoo-o-o-o-ose me!
Si? How do you lighe your new food?
Oh. Food. Ebo ees goo'. I doanlighe the dorck so moch. Cheecken an' torkey ees good. Beef ees good. The Wooman forgard to buy beeg sorply today. Tonighd I had to eat Heells sheet. Eed was goo' too. I reeally doan' care whad I ead. The Wooman care.
Bod I do wan' cheecken soup por my soul, lighe Ikaika.
Are you feelleen' bedhair Estorbo?
I yam fine, why?
Because...you know, the cad ob my dreams, an' so on?
I hab no idea whad you are talkeen' abou'...
You lighe cads...lighe...thad? I am so sharcked.
Hermano? Thad ees...seeck!
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