Hank: Put wiggle in it, Mildred, let's see what these two humans behind the wire want.
Mildred: Hank, I was just about to lay an egg in that nice little inner tube back there...But you know best, dear.

Felix: Freeckeen' yomped up peegeons. Where do they think they are? The Meedwest? Thees soil is full of lead, ladies. You're een Brookleen, hellooooo? An' I lighe my chicken fried.
Blackie: I'm right behind you folks...
Felix II: Heeere, cheecky cheeecky.
Hank: Mmmhmmmmmm...Yum cockroach legs, hm mmmmmpeck.
Felix II: Yes, Felix?
Felix III: Call that mamacita ober here.
Felix II: I already deed. She's cormeen'...
Blackie: la-la-la-laaaa
Mildred: Huh?
Hank: Doh!

Hank: Blackie, where's Mildred?
Blackie: Your guess is as good as mine, Hank, dear.
Hank: where were we going again?

Hilarious! I hope someone will ID the green tanks...
ReplyDeleteI'm going to Kaaui for Thanksgiving and they have a WHOLE LOT of cheekens over there. They all got blown out of their coops in Hurricane Iniki and that was years ago. I will bring you back a whole blogful of chicken pictures. They run around everywhere like sparrows -- only they don't fly unless someone is chasing them.
ReplyDeleteCarntaminaded, huh? I think you may be right. Don't eat it, my friend.Stick to (very expensive!) sardines...
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, the fur is growing. Slowly.I put a little olive oil on the scar;it's good to keep it soft.
Beence -you fry cheeckens een the tanks.
ReplyDeleteChreeJ - weell you ead wile' cheecken por Thanksgeebeen? Can I corm weeth you? Who weell feed Bailey?
MIT - oleeb oil. Yom. The sardinas are nard so esspenseeb. Spaneesh ones para $3, Portuguese more. Only for beeg tread. Pelleds, dayeen', etc etc etc
Great captcha, Don Estorbo, your accent is confusing but I got it... ;-)
ReplyDeleteDarn, it didn't work... ;-)
By the way, I was going to say, positive ID on the green things: they are Martian light bulbs.