I yam bag!!!!
Srsly, the Wooman has no sense ob yoomore. Or gradefulabeeleety.
You theenk she'd be happy to heear my boice. At 1am, 1.31am, 2am, 3 am. 3.12 am, 3.27am, 4 am, 5.03 am. Seex.
Bod no.
Deed she laugh an' say, Estorbo, I meess you so moch, I weeshed you wor een Rarckpor' weeth os arn the bed by the sea...
She say:
She chase me, een the dark, bomp eento the forniture.
Eep! I say.
She yompa oud ob bed.
I rosh onder chair. She pull me oud
She go bag to bed. She heed hor food arn something sharp. She say badwor'.
Eep? I say.
Shordorp! she heess. She no wan' to waghe the Smoothman. She say he need sleep.
Muy bien, I say. So you an' I can stay orp an' ead pelleds?
Peeg! she wheesper.
She say she no feed me arn deman' no more to keep a me quied. She say I yab torn' the yoomans eento Pablarb's darg.
Ad dawn the Smoothan feed me.
The I go to bed. I yam to tire'...

The Wooman say, Eep?