blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: The roop

Monday, August 30, 2010

The roop

I yam watcheen' dargs pee arn the sidewalgh down below...Hab they no deegneedee?

Agtuallee, Wooman, I prefehair meelk.


  1. You rock! I just sent this photo to my DIRECTV client (I am in advertising!) and they got a hoot out of this! I am a cat lover so he isn't believing that it's not my cat! LOL

  2. Gracias, T...I peeck orp sorm good channels orp there.

    Gracias tambien por posteen' abou' Yasmeen' blarg cat versus yoomans. Eed ees fantasteec!

  3. lucky kitty, to be able to patrol the farm. i hope you are well-rewarded, gato. it is a job not for the faint of heart.

  4. I'll take that champagne if you're not going to drink it...

  5. muy fiero de día y muy elegante de noche, Storbie, like James Bond.
