blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: Morder!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Total arnslaught. The Wooman said my fleas had to go. She said, como the Cheemp een Chief, thad they wor manufaghtureen' nu-cuclear warheads an' chemical weapons een their factories, an' thad I migh' essplode ad any time...So een order to proteght hor domesteec eenterests she carpet-barmbed my negh weeth deesgosteen' storf. The bonkers ob the fleas hab been bosted, she says. Eben she, weeth so few feeleen's, feld bad. Now my neck looghs lighe Alaska after a dronk sheeps captain has been there... eed ees hard to leeck bod I try then she say, NO Estorbo, you weel ged seeck.


Thees was after she pood eed arn. Then she gabe me pelleds to maghe me forghed. Bod I remembered. She feel so bad she lairds me ged arn the table arn a kikhoi to sleep.

Between the queences an' the flowers frarm the larng Frenchie...


  1. Oh Estorbo we can SO relate to your sorry tale. Today, yes this very day, Her Indoors went to a pet shop. Did she bring us treats? No. Did she bring more (what you call) pellets? No. She purchased flea killing chemicals and then.... she put it on while we were eating our tea!!! Now we both look like Iroquois felines and we feel horrible. This happens regularly and each time we all hate it. Even Her Indoors. So no rodent/fowl type presents for her tonight...

    Don't taste it. Take it from us it is truly dreadful. But to change the subject we like the kikoi. We have them too.

  2. You talk tough and play rough but deep inside you're such a softy, Estorbito. The last picture proves that beyond all doubt...

  3. El an' Es: I taseded eed. Eed was terreeble. I HADE eed.

    Tea. You ged tea???

  4. Beence: Whad are you tryeen' to do me man? I yam NARD a sarftee. An' I'm sorry I made scratch-a arn you...I gard essited.

  5. Don't worry softy, you can scratch me any time. I'll have a drawing for you soon...

  6. Esto, next time you talk mano a mano with Beence, ask him about his own experience with Bahamian will cheer you up.
