blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: The sommhair ob Estorbo

Monday, July 2, 2012

The sommhair ob Estorbo

Too hart to blarg.

My gard.

Who eenbented forr? I need to ornzeep my coad. Bod eed was made een China y the zeephair ees storck. Forgh. I knew I shoul' buy local.

I lorb the air carndeetioner. I feel como un oso polar (ees the wide bear whad leebs in the snow).

Also I lighe to sleeb onderneath the stone table while eed maghe-a storm.

Ad nigh' I waghe orp to ead arn the terrace weeth the yoomans.

Y then I ask to patrol my range. The Smoothman maghes corfew por me. Ees har' to farm ondhair thees carndeetion. The caddle are geddeen' freesky. They need deesceepleen.

Bod las' nigh I heear musica to my years. A cicada. Cronchee, green, deleecious. Lighe a lolly parp arn a hart somhair nigh'. I waid, I waid. I yam a patient cad.


  1. Those curly toes! Now they are COOL.

  2. I love the air conditioner, too!

  3. Oh you adorable kitty. Zippers for fur, I'm sure our four darlings would appreciate that. As it is, they're enjoying their enclosed catio here in the Santa Cruz Mountains on these hot summer days.

  4. You are so cute, Estorbo. It's good that you have a curfew because the roof can be peligroso. And I suppose the Smoothman does not want to take his sleeping bag up there to watch over you. Enjoy the air conditioning during days of summer.

  5. Estorbo, come to Central Texas, our trees are alive with cicadas...Stay cool...

  6. How about shaving those lines in your fur ? W-a-y c-o-o-l .
