blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: I need $'s!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I need $'s!

 Escuse me.

The Wooman says I need to orn parket morney eef I wan' to fly to Australia. So I wan' to know. Does anyworn wan' an ESTORBO callendar, starteen' een March???

Por the wall (more beeg 8.5 eenches x 11) , or por the desk (more small, 10 eenches x 5 eenches)?Ees abou' ninteen $'s y porteen. Plos sheepeen'.

The Wooman says nobardy uses calendars no mas, y eed ees too espenseeb. I say, "Th."


The Wooman also yos tole' me thees ees the price weethoud prarfeet. I weell maghe no morney.

Dios mio. How can  I maghe morney? My caddle CSA barx ees nard selleen'.

My libe ees een the toilet.


  1. If only I liked cats, I would buy one of your calendars!! Perhaps you could sell your body - I am sure there are lots of lady cats who would pay for your company!!

  2. Whad the forgue are you doeen' arn my blarg eef you doan' lighe cads???


  3. Estorbo, you are sounding frustrated and desperate. I think once Spring arrives, you will be busy on the roof and sunning yourself, and you will forget about Australia. I almost hate to ask, but how is your arm and the leeking? Did Dinahmow help you with that issue? I don't see you wearing a shirt.

  4. I have two opposing ideas for you:
    (1) get an agent and a modeling career: you will make a fortune and can afford a first class seat to Australia soon.
    (2) use Fedex Quik Pack service, it is much cheaper than a seat. In fact, if you disturb the yoomans' sleep enough, they might just Quck Pack you themselves.

  5. AutumnSkyRanch(dios mio) - The leeckeen' is moch bedhair bod I steel yab a smallspart arn my bag lefd leg. I came oud ob the short yos before the yoomans abanon' me.

    Ees a meestery. I doan' know why I leeck.

    Seemba, you are righ'. I need an agent!

  6. Poor poor Estorbo, but if you go to Australia you would have to stay in quarantine for a minimum of 30 days. =:o In a few weeks it will be Spring in NYC and you will perhaps have the first nice days to enjoy your terrace and the roof. Hang in there!
    Have you tried Skype?

  7. OK, I'll take a calendar with you on it, starting in March. Forgheen January and February aren't worth a damn anyway.
    NOW what are you going to do?

  8. I must have missed something. Why do you want to go to Australia?
    Barbara (and Sassy, Abby, Ebony,Baby, Chloe, and Zoey)
    P,S. We'll buy a calendar if you really must go to Australia.

  9. Don E, I thought you had a yob at Home Depot already, hence the orange shirt.

  10. The Man asked Dinah to buy a NYC calendar, but she did not find any good ones so we will buy him an Estorbo calendar.
    An' Dinah says she has some US money which she will send.
    She also says Cafe Press can print on ceramics and Tshirts an' other stuff.
    Don't come to Australia just yet - there are many "carnstraction workers" and dogs here.

  11. When you say your life is in the toilet, I suppose you are speaking literally?

  12. Don Estorbo, I missed you! Just had to make my Mom click back on your posts to the day you came back. If you must go to Australia, at least avoid the flooded areas.

    Emma the Calico Queen

  13. Wow Don Estorbo, you are very beautiful! Me gusta su blog mucho! You are the gato de mi corazón. I'm not sure I could afford a calendar, although I would use one on the wall. But have you also considered making cards? I think those might sell.

  14. Storbie you got a calendar to sell with your good lookin' fuzz face on it, I am buyin'!

  15. CatSlave sez: I would LOVE a calendar, or a coffee cup or some note cards. But not your cattle, sorry.

    Check out for vintage and homemade items. Seriously, that could be a good place to sell Estorbo the Magnificat items.

  16. I might just buy one of your calendars, Estorbo. I'm feeling very cat-deprived at the moment. It is almost a year without Bailey and the big MANCAT in my house is not very open to getting another. (Can't really blame him. Just had to replace carpet that was only three years old!)I'd especially like it if any comments were in your own 'Storbie language, 'tho' I might have to censor it with my big black pen if you have bad words in it:}

  17. Sign me up. I'm old fashionned and I use my calendar every day. One for each house!

  18. I yam so threeled thad you are bag,
    you hab no idea, Estorbito mi amor. Eet ees pas my bedtime pero I wanted to join the multeetudes weesheen you a hearty welcome bag. I doan need a calendhair pero I would buy one anyway. Cafe Press eet up! Oye, how aboud a cad food bowl? Eed could say "feesh" on eet, I woul' so buy one por mi gato Zizi..

  19. If you take Alexa's advice and make cat food bowls, be sure they are not made of plastic because many cats get chin acne (berber bad) from eating out of plastic and plastic-like bowls.

  20. why not take on world peace and hunger in exchange for a ticket to Orstralia?

    I think you could do it and for sure you'd get Brangelina, Clooney, Geldof and Bono would pitch in to get to you where you wanna go.

    Make it happen Storbo - we're watching

  21. Don go....I need ju...ju maghe me smile wif my heart!

  22. Hola Estorbo, my cat Yoshimi has a crush on you and wants one of your calendars. Muchas gracias!

  23. Dios mio...whad I do I do now?

    Corp? Bowl? Morg? Calendar? Ees so deefeecult.

    I yam goeen' to be force' to hemploy the Wooman, who has opposeen' thormbs bod no brain. Sheet.

  24. Libe ees yos so forgheen ornfair...

  25. My marketing input today is: ANYTHING with a picture of you and, "Whad the forgue!" on it.

  26. hermano, them welsh catz has got a pretty gud lyne onna mrrchundyzing rites. maybe stroll by an pick up sum idees?

  27. I wan' a short with a picture of Don Estorbo, sabagher of de raccoons saying "Sheet". I will give you mucho parket dinero por a short with such a handsome cat on it!
