...to Alexa por holdeen' my paw las' nigh' por my las' minutos arn Fazeboogh, wheech ees now dead. ' Also, she has berber' goo' Spaneesh aghsen' - I hope she leebs carments here more, so you can see ead ...
I enjoy Social Networgh por a larng time, an' foun' nice frien's, bod as I tole hor, sormtimes you lorn too moch abou' yoomans thad you deed nard wan' to know. Ees deesappointeen'. Sigh. So now I steeck to my blarg. Ees lighe leeabeen' weeth my head een the san'...Nice and dark and warm, weeth pelleds.
Please doan' tell the Wooman I keell' Fazeboogh (ees OK, she nebber reads my blarg, well, hardly ebber). She said she was goeen' to leab bicariously through me.
Now she weell hab to ged a libe.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Dayeen, dayoud

Yes, I know whad thad ees.

I tell hor I yam Vampire. She say she know thad already.

Sunday, May 23, 2010
My boogh

I decide to read alone. I doan' wan' to brainwaszh the Smoothman. He ees so nice to bide. His blord ees so preedy an' red.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My coad

The Wooman says she ees goeen' to taghe me to the v.e.d. eef I do nard change my ways. She tells me she ees "seeck of" my leeckeen'.
No leecky-leecky! - she says.
I say, Doan' speaghe peegeeon Eengleesh to me! I yam a man!
She looghs ad me.
I loogh ad hor.
I say....Th.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thees ees Deets. He leebs arn the 7MSN Ranch. Muchas gracias to Veronica por eentroduceen' me to thees blarg.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Eentrudair!!!!!!! 911!!!!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Dargs. Arn my blarg. Again .

Estorbo? she says, today.
Ye-e-e-e-s, I say?
I need you to put some peectures ob the dargs een Cape Town arn your blarg.
Oh. I say. Nice yoke.
No, reeally, she says. Teddy was ber' seeck an' I wan' to pose' a peecture ob heem.
So POSE' a picture ob heem, I say, you hab a blarg!
No, she says. I doan' do dargs arn my blarg.
You doan do dargs??? I doan do dargs!!! You pose' them!
No, she says, you hab' to.
Forghe, I say.
Wash your mouth oud cad, or I'll do eed por you.
I'd lighe to see you try, I say.
Estorbo, she says. Hab you realize' how beeg I yam an' how small you are?
Nard reeally.
Well, she says, theenk abou' eed.

Ged well s-o-o-o-o-n, Teddy. (He ees the shor' fad one een the meedle.)
Thees was poseded onner duress.
I wan' to speak to my lawyer.
Friday, May 14, 2010
H-h-huwi no mas

So, thees morneen' een South Afreeca, my poor brorder H-h-huwi was buried een the garden een Kalk Bay onder the cleevea where he lighed to sleep een the shade. He was diagnose' weeth FIV too lade and was berber' seeck.
I yam berber' sad an' Jane ees eben more sad.
An' Trebor, below, H-h-huwi's brorder, ees mose' sad. You see he is yos lighe me?

Monday, May 10, 2010
I yab been rarbbed
Friday, May 7, 2010

I hord you wor' eadeen lonch, so I came to seed ad the table.
Thees ees your chair?
Esco-oooo-suh mi! I gard heear fors'.
You wor seedeen' hear fors'? Then porquewhy deed you ged orp? Oh, you forgard sometheen'. Seelly, seelly you! Fine anorder chair. Now.
DOAN' forgheen' squash me you gread brude!
Ees thad corntree pate I see arn the table? Yes, como un beeg slice ob highclass cad food.
Yes, I weell taghe a bide...
Thanks for askeen'.
Now bacade my sead.
Sunday, May 2, 2010

*&%$#@!!*&^ I know! Doan' you know cadleeck ees anteesepteec???
No! They cry, you hab O.L.D. Obseseeb leeckeen' deesorder an' you doan' know when to starp.
I know how to maghe you starp, I say. Prepare por attagh:

Tole' you.
Doan' worree, the Smoothman ees beeg. He has lards ob spare blord.
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