blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: Ad larng forgheen' las'!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Ad larng forgheen' las'!

Wha' does a cad hab to do to ged a leedle cheecken deenhair aroun' here?

Play DEAD????


  1. Before or after the visit to the ved?

  2. Well played, hermano! How did it go at the ved's?

  3. Next move, Storbie: coq au vin.

  4. Good job Estorbo. Glad your plan worked.

  5. Yes, Estorbo, I must agree. Your avoidance of the pellets is because you discovered people food. Now pellets are a last resort. Tino, who only ate pellets for years, has slowly switched to canned food. He does not touch people food at all. Once the canned is done, he crunches his way through the pellets. Unlike you he drinks a lot of water (including from the humidity trays my orchids sit in) and then demands to go out to evacuate.

  6. Alors en ton âme et conscience, Estorbo, sans avoir peur de me choquer: préfères-tu la poularde à l'infante ou la poularde cordon bleu?

  7. In the words of Mick Jagger- "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you get what you need." Good job, Estorbo! Your dramatic skills are estimable!

  8. well played. but only PLAY dead.
