blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: Thread lebel goes orp

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thread lebel goes orp

There ees a strangehair een the hood. His name is Rahcoon.

Forgheen' bandido!

He ees bag.

Pappa The Smoothman SAW heem arn the sidewalgh yesserday morneen' ad seex am. Call the policia!

I doan' wan' to maghe no more war arn the forgheen' bandido. Maybe he ees new, y young  y freesky. I weell steell keeck his ass. Bod I wan' to retire to ranch een peace.

Instead I mos' remain alerd.

Dayeen. Day forgheen' oud.


  1. No one could do it better. You look very scary sitting up on guard!

  2. los meowers de missouri fink you are a furry brave defender! we haf racketycoons here, too, an' they haf teefs like needles but we figger yer teefs are like keen daggers that will ofurcome that stranger. of course, if you should accidentally be indoors enjoyin' some delicious noms at the time he comes around, no harm, no foul--eh?

  3. Bandidos are the bane of Catdom, hermano, whether you live in Brooklyn, Missouri or Mariposa! Be vigilant!

  4. Be careful, Storbie and Smoothman. Really. Raccoons that are out during the day might be sick. I know 6 am it is still dark, but I am still surprised about a raccoon being out at that time. They can carry rabies.

  5. Oh, Estorbo! The never ending responsibility must be exhausting. Your power to persevere is astonishing!

  6. Freez them in ther tracks weeth your steely eyes....then run lak hell.

  7. There is no rest for the rooftop warrior.

  8. Our Vancouver raccoons were out all day and happily so, and I don't think they had rabies, but yes, we must watch out as access to the roof is the same as it was for the [alleged] first encounter...

    But I love your spelling kitty,
    "seex am" makes it so much more appealing then just "going to work"... But it's more like five thirty, really, so can you come up with something sexy too?

  9. P.S. Great shots of you, your photographer beats me when it comes to pictures of you in your kingdom/roof/farm/sierra/playground.

  10. The neighborhood needs your razor sharp senses to ensure peace in your kingdom. Si, dayeen, forghen dayoud.

  11. The neighborhood needs your razor sharp senses to ensure peace in your kingdom. Si, dayeen, forghen dayoud.
