blank'/> The Libe ob Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana: Catio???!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Por favor...

I doan' wan' a catio. I yam nard a poossy. I yab cojones. Well, pood eed thees way:

Ad leas' I remembair my cojones.

I roam the roop. Free.


  1. roaming the roop in traje de color naranja. eeeep!

  2. you are one tres cool cat DonEst (dlBD) xo from the (not nearly as cool) cats of Black Street

  3. In your hi-viz coat too - very sensible!

  4. Donatella senza cattioJune 17, 2010 at 3:19 PM the safety dance! Eeeeepppp!

  5. I take it you're stll leeky leeky, even after the new food? Damn!

  6. Well, yeah ... that orange shirt does kinda look like a safety vest ... appropriate wear for rooptop patrols. Soon the bandido will be wanting one, too!

    And, in defense of catios --- they are a good thing when there are coyotes and bobcats in one's neighborhood.

  7. Yes, catios have their place, but down here -- the fleas!!! Our winters aren't cold enough to kill them off. If you have indoor/outdoor cats, you have fleas, and that WILL make you go leeky, leeky!

  8. Hola, hermano!

    We don't like cages either, but we consent to being indoors at night.

  9. We have hungry coyotes (we live on the edge of nowhere in the desert) and a Catio is the only way to go. 12 cats in a 1600 sq ft house was rough before we built the 35' x 16' Catio. The cats love it, and so do we!
    MomKat Trish

  10. I read that article yesterday and thought of you right away, D.E. Not every cat has your enormous good sense.

  11. I doan' know how my cad surbibed two hurreecanes een the wild, as she freequen'ly falls off de keetchen coounthair. No roop roaming for her. So joo see why I cannot show her jor blargh. The yelousy woul' be obberwhelmin'...

  12. I think you could have a future in advertising, for Hem Depot.

    Catio's have their place - my deck enclosure is sort of like a catio, just not a secure one.
