Wooman: Estorbo?
Me: Wooman?
Wooman: Estorbo!
Me: Si! Whad?
Wooman: Whad are you doeen' down there?
Cad: Led me pud eed theese way: whad are you doeen' orp
Wooman: ....
Me: My poin' essaghlee.
Wooman: You use' to be afraid to walgh down the stairs.
Me: You leeb een the pas'. Eed ees so leemeteen'. I yam afraid no more.
Wooman: Why?
Me: You mean porque?
Wooman: Yes, Estorbo I mean why?
Me: ...
Wooman: Well?

Me: Maybe there are new cads whad leeb arn thees floor below.
Wooman: Whad abou the cads thad leeb arn your own floor?
Me: I doan' speagh to those cads.
Wooman: Why?
Me: You mean porque?

Wooman: Jeep-hairs Estorbo, you can be deeffeecult.
You're telleen
Me: Maybe I wan' to be an Eenside Cad.
Me: The rooptarps ob Brookleen are so wide open.
Me: Maybe I hab too moch freedom.
Me: Maybe I need leemeets.
Wooman: Gard, you're weird.
Me: Taghes worn to know worn.
You're talkeen' to yourselb:
I'm yos seetteen' here, arn the landeen'. I'm a cad. An' the neighbours can heear you.
Wooman: Doan' talghe to me abou' the neighbours.
Me: Doan talghe to me abou' their cads.
[Boice-obhair: '
And so the lives of our disfunctional couple continue...']
Me: Dayeen. Dayoud.