I can smell smoghe before eed begeens. An' then I howl.
The Wooman was cookeen' por hor frien's Ereec an' Mimi por deener tonighd. She was roasteen' peppers.
Soddenly I star' to howl.

I ron to the fron' door. Bod eed ees close'. We mos escapbhe frarm the terrace. I ron, screameen' to the Wooman to follow.
No, Estorbo, it's yos peppers, she say, an' they are nard eben smokeen'.
FIRE! I howl! Ron por your libe!
No, Storbie, there's no smoke, no fire, she say.
I yam arn the roop waideen' por hor. I yam panteen'. My paws are sweateen'...

She starts to feelm me weeth the camera!
Are you crazy, I pant! Ged your passport! Ged my Onnatracteev Grey Barx! Ged the credeet card! We mos' leab.
911! Are they here yed????
The Wooman keeps pleadeen' weeth me. Estorbo, they are going to theenk I yam abuseen' you!
You are! I scream....I weell be eenceeneraded. Or you weell be, an' then where weell I go???
Storbie, she say, loogh, I hab taken the peppers oud. They are roasted, the oben ees arf, the smoghe alarm deed nard eben peep.
Maybe eeds baddery ees flad, I pant.
No, she say, loogh, no flames.
Bod remember the time you lefd the gas arn an' when' to bed an' I howled an' sabed you?
Yes, I do, she say, an' I yam etornally gradeful, bod theese ees deefferend.
Maybe, I say: eed smells bedder. Bod I yam steell keepeen' my paws crossed.