I hont! - ees thad a bord???

An' I make-a scratcha!

The wooman cot bag the cadneep today an' she says she weell plant a new variedy (escu-u-u-se me!) in the spreeng whad stays dwarf. She shoul' dab stayed dwarf. She ees too tall. She maghes my neg steeff to look orp all the time...Whadebber: I smelled the entarxicadeen' scend of....whadebber the hell thees sheet smells ob, and yomped to the roop to roll my head een the part. WHY ees eed so goo'?????
Breegeette Mounier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I gard feesh I gard feesh I gard feesh I gard feesh 3 cans ob feesh een spreengwater and smoked, the Wooman could nard throw eed away, eed was all okie-dokie to ead, and I gard a plade, an' I gard a corp an' saucehair an' I gard a calendar weeth cads arn eed.....
I am so carnfuse'... Whad mornth ees eed?
Gracias gracias gracias I am leeckeen' my feed an' washeen' my faze (ees hard while typeen')
When are you mobeen' to Noo York, oh Sender Ob Feesh???
Sheet. whad do I say to thees poor cad? Eed breengs tears to my eyes. Dargs. Who needs them?
Kehdi, Beence eesn't here. He ees gardknowswhere. I weell hab my people, I mean cads, tragh the motherf [Ed. deleted to protect the cat in question] down. Bod when we fine' heem we are goeen' to hab to share, OK? Ok. And M-m-ma...M..sheet: The Wooman. You can hab hor.
Hasta luego, leedle blag fooded cad. Hang (heheheh) een there.