Thees ees me een my recendly deceazed oudfeed, Numero Tres. The Smoothman attemt-ted to make some couture weeth eed an' eed died. So now I yam back to the baby clothes, 0-3 mornths, thees time, porque thees negh size does nard sleep an' allow me to leeck The Shouldhair.
Too morch eenpormation?
Forgh you too.
Si. I yam een a badbad
bad mood. ' Melanie who was here arn Sornday nighd, weeth greeteen's an' geeft frarm Halloween, weetneessed my feeleen's:
I heess. I made howl-soun' when they peeg me orp. The Yoomans was morteefied. Ees how say? They say, He's nard usually lighe thees, he ees angry because ob the clothes.
An' the drorgs. Doan' forghed the forgheen' drorgs.

Clava-forgheen'- marx. Shorbed down my throad twice a day como a foie gras goosito.

Meess Melanie brough' a berbery nice bag to deenhair. I thoughd eed was my presen'. Bod my presen' was a cad Dance-hair. Ees wire weeth animales attached to ead an' eed dances een your faze onteell you wan' to
keell eed. The Wooman ees so bad weeth the camera (no talen' whad. so. ebber. Tros' me) she has no goo' peectures yed. She say' she weell try again. Whadebber.

Yesserday. So tired. Sleepeen' arn plaze mads. See? New oudfeed.


Go. A. Way.



The Wooman corms home weeth sormtheen' whad STEENKS!
Que delicioso!
Led me ad eed. Ees presen' frarm lady weeth
Moshroom Cad!!!!!

Escuse me? The shreemp ees orp there an' I yam down heer. Ged eed? Ees prarblem! Hello? Hello? Adyost alteetude NOW.

Thees ees fantasteec. Those Wheeskas snags are porgarten. Shreemp Shreemp

I lorf Chreestmas.
Pee Ess: gracias Ellen!